Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Borderlands : Review

So this is a supposed weakened economy ? Troubled times and troubled cashflow? You want that to change. You want your life to take a different direction ? My friends. I have a solution. Take every rand thats lying around. Skip on a few packs of smokes and take your girlfriend out to MacDonalds a few times. Then you take your hard earned cash and you go buy Borderlands. Yes. That is the plan. You might regret it a few weeks later. You might ask yourself "Why heavens o why?" but the truth is you would have spent a few hours of satirical crazy badass shooting fun. What ? You live with your mother?

The game sets out on planet Pandora , a wasteland filled with creepy monsters and social degenerates. Your character is lured by the promise of wealth , fame , and women. Locked in a secret alien vault believed to be legend are riches unknown and this becomes your primary quest through the whole game. What makes this quest different from say tomb raider or Call of Juares ? Its fast. Its furios. And you dont have to stop to listen to every nagging clue thats could slow down your bullet blazing. And guns. There are a lot of guns. The engine has a random weapon generator thats takes a bunch of stats and models , measures it up to your character level and gives you randomly generated tools of destruction. Ever imagined a shotgun that shoots explsove rounds ? Ever hacked away at enemies with a pistol equipped with a blade ? Okay. Perhaps you have. But surely not in the same game. The producers claim the the game features weapons in the millions. Imagine weapons like your favorite rpgs like diablo. Except that its in first person. Add to this recipe some good cenery, different critical deaths and a pinch of colourful explosions and you have a meal for fit for a king. The gameplay runs as smooth as you would expect from any other shooter with characters also being very mobile. This makes squeezing of head shots an easy task once you have mastered the correct weapons for your class. The game also features four different character classes. This makes for a very replayable game but you will soon find yourself very attached to your character and very reluctant to restart the game with another.

The game also features a damage score for every hit you make. Very early in the game spraying your enemies with bullets causes not only blood but also numbers to pop up indicating the amount of damage being dealt. I must mention that it is pretty gratefying to see your early low damage hits ( between 5 and 10 ) to multyply into the hundreds. ( Try scoring up to 47k with a critical hit multiplied by a lethal blow ) This doesn't unbalance the game however as the enemy also come in higher levels in later areas. Warning ! Going back to earlier areas where the creepys havent evolved yet will make you feel immortal.

Enemies difficulty also multiplies with multiple players. Yes friends. Coop action for the masses. Okay. Four player max. But hey ! Imagine having baddies with four times the power. Also playing with your friends will reap higher level item drops. The down side is that you might get stuck with a powerfull weapon for a long time and only having four weapon slots max makes it even more so. Soon you'll be selling more and more guns making it them feel kinda redundent.

All in all. The game has pretty good graphics, a badass sense of humor and a lot of replayability. The things that fall short is the fact that weapons can't be modified and there is no room for mass deathmatch action. But this only leaves room for an expansion and or sequal. Good old 8 out of 10.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Game Review : Call Of Duty MW2 review

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Hey what’s up guys , My name is Castielle and I will be one of the editors of this site, bringing you reviews on the latest games , hardware ,whatever you guys want to know about.

Today we will have a look at the new title brought to you by Activision and Infinity Ward code named Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

First off let me tell you about the first modern warfare

Probably every one of you has played the first Call of duty modern warfare and loved it to bits, the game play on the first one was absolutely intense… all the action, explosion, wicked difficult missions and an epic ending to the game. Also another awesome thing about the first MW was the multi player. That game must have the most intense multi player that I have ever seen and till today it is still the most played online FPS game. Never a dull moment with all the different game modes that can played, from all out mayhem in free for all to the tactical precision of sabotage… But that’s just the first MW.

Now MW2 is something way cooler. It’s like a crazed love child between the first MW and the wrath of the most epic games you have ever played. In this game you still have the same mission as in the first one, take out Makarov and stop him from blowing up the whole god damned United States. First off the game starts with you as Sergeant James Ramerez in the USA army training camp. Also like in the first one you go through the basics, shoot from the hip, and shoot down your sights, throw a few grenades and blow up a few targets, and then you move onto the part where you have to run the course to determine which difficulty you want to play the game at. Now if you run the course in less than 36 seconds, you will play the game at it’s most difficult setting, veteran, and trust me when they say it’s difficult , but luckily for us gamers we like something with a bit of challenge.

Then this is where your epic journey of blowing stuff up and getting a ton loads of head shots start. The game takes you all around the world, shooting the crap outta everyone that’s in your way and not on your team, from fighting in the dense snow in Russia, to the rooftops of South America and even the suburban streets of America. There is never a dull moment in this game. One thing that I’ve noticed is that you are always fighting in teams, but for some or other reason the bad guys just walk straight past your team mates and shoot the crap out of you, and your teamies don’t even see them.

Graphics wise this game is just a marvel to look at, play the game on a full surround sound system and it gets even more awesome. Hopefully the lan thing about this game can be sorted out quickly, because there will be no competition for this game once it has lan. It’s just too damn awesome

So for those of you that haven’t bought the game yet, DO IT NOW ! It’s awesome. I’m not gonna go into further detail about the game. Don’t want to be a plot spoiler. And for those of you that have finished the game, good for you, hope you enjoyed it.

Until Next time , Thanks for reading the review

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Games Games Games.

We are gamers. We are labeled. We are shunned. We don't care. We lovvve games. I have been playing games since I could type my name on a keyboard. Therefor I dedicate this site to games , computers and even consoles. My comrades and I will write reviews (even if we aren't journalists) , we will let you know of events (even if we aren't event managers) and we will bring news(see above) because we are gamers. If you would like to know anything about anything game related , release dates , names , classics, how-to etc etc , just ask. Thats about it.